Sunday, August 3, 2014

How I Lost Weight With No Intense Exercise


The pictures below were taken on April 2014. You may have seen my before/after instagram picture and thought that I just stretched the photo. I didn't. I admit that I am not thin or anything near that. For the most of my teenage to young adult life, I have always been overweight except maybe for a brief moment of time I lost so much weight. I was already overweight but I gained much more pounds because of our trip to Hong Kong and Japan. There can be no dieting there because of the delicious food that tastes even more delicious paired with steamed rice. The result of that very sinful combination was the Jam you see below. 

You may not notice how fat I've become because I don't normally post full-body pictures of myself. In the few times that I do, I'd be covered up or be behind somebody. It also came to a point wherein I'd crop my pictures so that my body will not be included. In short, I was so insecure and uncomfortable with my body.

That reason, along with some others, pushed me to change my habits. And alas, a miracle, I've stuck to my weight loss plan and it works. I diet but I don't do any intense exercise. I've lost 16 pounds already. Although I'm just halfway through my goal, I'm proud of myself and I want to share with you what I've been doing.

As of now, I don't have many "After Pictures" because I'm not yet finished but I hope you can see the difference. Pictures are way way way down the article :)


I am not recommending that you follow my exact diet-exercise because I am not an expert. I am simply sharing with you my weight history, the 4 general factors that helped me lose weight and my diet-exercise routine. If you want to lose weight the right way, please consult a doctor or a fitness expert. I am not liable for anything that may happen to you if you follow my diet-exercise.
It is always important to keep in mind how much calories our bodies need. A healthy and balanced diet is always recommended.
·         If you want to try my diet-exercise, keep in mind that you revise it based on your health concerns & lifestyle—how much food your body needs, your activities, etc. (And again, ask a professional.)
·        Take note of any health concerns you may have when dieting.


A few things about my weight issues, lifestyle and eating habits so that you may understand my body and why my diet-exercise worked for me

·         When I was younger, I was really thin. That didn't really last long because in my teenage years I gained weight. I was always self-conscious. Well, I still am today but not as much as before. I do not wear shorts, sleeveless anything, skirts, tight-fitting clothes because I am not comfortable with my body and the way it looks to me.

·         I was never the sporty-type. I barely passed all our PE classes in grade school and high school. I did not ever learn how to ride the bike. I never liked moving too much. I never liked the idea of exercising (because it’s very exhausting). If I had to choose an exercise, it would be running on the treadmill. I tried that but I only last a few minutes before I’d quit.

·         Eating was my hobby. I only eat a few types of food. I would list the things I don’t eat (e.g. vegetables, pizza, lasagna, salad, noodles) but I think it will be a shorter list if I mentioned the food I allow to actually enter my mouth. I eat any kind of meat that is not swimming in sauce/broth/soup. I like my meat dry (except for some sauces: teriyaki, sweet n sour, bbq, etc). I also like bacon, hotdog, spam, tocino. In short, I am a meat-eater. I like processed or deep-fried food. And when the food is really tasty, I like pairing it with rice. I also enjoy desserts very much. I have a sweet tooth especially for chocolates. I also like junk food. Sometimes when I would get hungry, I would ask someone to buy me a bunch of snacks amounting to 200php and I would eat 2 or 3 in a day (all by myself).

·         I think there was only one time when I lost a lot of weight. Maybe a month and a half before my debut, we arrived from a summer trip. I gained a lot of weight because of all the amazing and tempting food. I wanted to lose a lot of weight because I was heartbroken and I wanted to look good for myself (and for revenge). Aside from the dieting and the tiring dance rehearsals for my debut, I tried taking Xenical, a pill that helps you lose weight. The combination was proven to be successful as I slimmed down; but as soon as I met Duane I let myself go again. He already liked me so I saw no point in dieting already. We enjoyed eating and eventually we became fat (or in my case, fat-ter). I was alright with that because even if I got fat, he would still like me BECAUSE THERE ARE NO TAKE BACKS HAHAHA.



1.                 Motivation

I have tried a few diet techniques already but I always end up losing hope and quitting altogether. I think one of the most important factors in pushing through with your diet is your motivation. Why do you need to diet and exercise? Why do you need to lose weight? Your reasons may vary because we have different goals but they are all valid.

I started dieting because my friend will be getting married in a few months; and that meant I needed to wear a sleeveless dress. I can’t go there with my usual get-up: jeans, sleeveless top paired with a jacket to cover my arms and fatness. I have no choice but to show my huge arms and my large silhouette with bulging love handles. I will need to stare at pictures of myself, uncomfortable and very insecure.
(People of different shapes and sizes— may it be thin, sexy or fat can be confident in what they see in the mirror. More power to them for being happy with their body. I have nothing against people who are overweight. I am just speaking for myself when I say that I do not think I look good overweight because I am not comfortable in my image. I do not like what I see.)

Another motivation that helped me was the bunch of clothes in my closet that used to fit me. Many of the pants I had did not fit me anymore. It was really frustrating to try it on and find that they cannot go any higher than my thighs.

And one more, you can go watch YouTube videos of people who have already lost a lot of weight. I’ll admit that one video got to me.

2.                 Goal

Once you have your motivations, set a goal that is more or less set in stone. I always had a goal of fitting into a certain item of clothing but I did not find that to be motivating enough. Clothes will always be there to fit you when you lose weight. They don’t require you to get moving as much as an event does.

An event, in my case, is much more motivating because it has a date. You can’t easily move it. As an example, my friend’s wedding is in October. I can’t just stop my diet because my goal is to look good (and reach a certain amount of weight) by the time of her wedding. I can’t slack off because that event is immovable.

In your case, you can set an event a few months after you start dieting. That certain event should have a dress code which will force you to have a leaner body. I think the perfect event that will truly motivate you is a swimming outing/party just because you will need to wear a swimsuit (just a suggestion)


You really have to want it. The reason most of my attempts failed is because I didn't have any clear motivation and goal.

I really wanted to lose weight and look better. It’s as simple as that.


This might be the hardest factor in dieting. My mom always brings home so many food and sweets. And at times my family eats out I have the tendency to eat everything that I want. Self-control really boils down to the other three factors I’ve mentioned. If you have a strong motivation, a clear goal and if you really are set on losing weight, you can control your urges to overeat.

The key to self-control is portion control. Control, puro na lang control. You can cheat or treat yourself a little but learn when to stop. Just yesterday, an unscheduled cheat day once again, I ate this delicious ice cream from Baskin Robbins. I thought of my diet and how I did not want to gain all the pounds I already lost. I did not finish the whole serving. Instead, I stopped myself when I was quite satisfied and I shared it with someone else.

Aka Lazy Starving Diet =))

  1. NO-NO’s
  • Soft drinks, artificial drinks (iced tea, mixes, bottled drinks), milk
  • Rice, bread, pasta (or anything similar to that: I’m sorry I don’t know because I don’t eat that)
  • Fried food
  • Junk food
  • Candies
  1. AVOID
  • Eating out (just because you’ll be tempted to finish the whole meal)
  • Meat (you can eat this once in a while but in very small portions only)
  • Sweets (my weakness)
  • Processed  food
This is very important. I do this so that before I eat my meal, I would feel less hungry and therefore eat less.

Because I drink a lot of water beforehand, it’s easy for me to not eat so much. And when I do eat, I do it slowly. I have heard of the saying that it takes about 20 minutes after you start eating before your brain to tell you that you are already full. I have not researched the validity of this statement but I can speak from my own experience. I’m sure you have also experienced eating so much in so little time that you feel really bloated only a few minutes after. So eat slowly and enjoy your food because you won’t be eating much anyway.

I usually drink green tea right after I eat or at maximum one and a half hours after. I was quite unsure of its effectiveness in my diet but when we had a party and I drank green tea after eating a lot, I pooped right away. I did not notice its effect on me even though I was peeing a lot because I thought the water I’ve been chugging was the culprit. Maybe since I didn’t eat a lot, it did not have to release it through my bowels? I’m really not sure.

  1. WALK 6,000 STEPS UP (or increase your movement if you already have a relatively active lifestyle)
If you read the background on my lifestyle, you know that I do not like exercising. Walking was the perfect solution for me. It did not feel like exercise. I just walk ‘round and ‘round our hose. Tip #1 download a pedometer. I use the Breeze app on my iphone 5s. I’m not sure if this app is available to androids or if this app just works on the 5s. I’d recommend this over setting a time for your daily walks because minutes are just too damn long. It’s more fun to look at the number of steps skyrocketing to a few thousands than to glance at your watch and see that you’ve only been walking for 3 minutes. Tip#2 play music to motivate yourself. I use Spotify and I enjoy streaming playlists with party music.

Don’t count your calories. Don’t weigh yourself one day after you start your diet. Give it time. If you’ve already been dieting for quite some time, weight every other day. Do not weigh yourself after your cheat days. Only weigh yourself after your “recovery” days.

Wednesday pm-Friday          lose approx 0.5 kilo a day or 1 kilo for the two days
Saturday-Sunday                     cheatday
Monday-Wed am                    lose cheatday weight
*loop =))

*in every after meal, drink green tea

        Breakfast             3 turkey bacon, 1 sunny side-up egg
        Lunch                    1 bowl Koko Krunch
        Dinner                  2 small apples blended
        Steps                     7947
        Kg Loss                 0.3

        Breakfast             1 bowl Koko Krunch
        Lunch                    1 Banana
Dinner                  1 Saging na Saba with Honey, 1 one-inch cube of beef (I really wasn’t going to       eat meat but my mom asked me to taste it. I don’t eat meat in that size LOL)
Steps                     5241
Kg Loss                 0.6

I did not list the food I ate, but on cheat days I make it a point that if I eat rice, I only eat one cup of rice for that day. I also don’t eat too much. Always eat in moderation even if it’s cheat day.

                Breakfast             1 pack Greek Yogurt with Raspberry Pomegranate
                Lunch                    1 Banana, 1 pack Skyflakes
                Dinner                  1 Chocolate Croissant
                Steps                     8433

              Breakfast             2 thin slices of Spam
        Lunch                    1 toast bread, assorted meat
        Snack                    1/3 cookie, 3 mini cookie cups
        Dinner                  1 bowl Banana & Mango, 1 cookie shotglass with milk
        Steps                     9406

        Breakfast             1 pack Greek Yogurt with Blueberry
        Lunch                    1 bowl Banana & Mango
        Dinner                  1/3 bowl Fish, matchbox size Chicken, 1 mini cookie cup
        Steps                     11036
        Kg Loss                 0.2 (weight loss from last weigh-in on Friday)

*I only weigh the day after, e.g. Thursday’s weight loss is determined by weighing on Friday morning. I do not weigh myself on cheat days to recovery days. My weight on Wednesdays should be equal or less than that of my Friday weight. So I really only lose weight on mid-Wednesdays to Fridays.

If you think my diet for every day is too extreme, here is yesterday’s meal log which is a bit more than what I usually eat.

                Breakfast             1 pack Greek Yogurt with Honey
                Lunch                    ¾ large French Fries, 3/5 of 1 scoop Baskin Robbins Chocolate ice cream
                Dinner                  ½ bowl Mango, Assorted Meat (2 chicken drumsticks, 1 thin slice of beef, etc)
                Steps                     7341
                Kg Loss                 0.2


I actually started cutting down rice a few months before I started this diet-exercise routine. I only pushed myself to really get moving on June 20, 2014. My weight tally started May 15, 2014.

During the period of May 15 to July 31 or two and a half months, I’ve already lost 7.3kg or 16 pounds.

I can now fit into my old pants and the jacket we bought last March that was too tight for me is already loose. I still do not have a body I can call “sexy” but I am not overweight anymore (according to my BMI). I am committed to losing more pounds and eventually having a more healthy diet (and maybe start doing intense exercises in the near future). I can only starve myself for so long. What I really aim for is to be able to eat the things I want (but in moderation) and not gain back the pounds I’ve lost. So there you go. 16 pounds gone, 7 to go (but ideally, plus 8 more).

Forgive me for I still don't have any decent pictures because although I am quite happy with the results, I haven't achieved my desired weight and shape yet. I hope you can see the effect though. I didn't measure my waist but I am able to wear some pants that only went up to my thigh. There's less friction in my thighs LOL. My arms fit previously tight-fitting sleeves and my side bulges are less evident. So there's that. I shall have more pictures when I'm 7 pounds lighter so you may see the difference more clearly. 


*AGAIN, please consult a professional if you want to lose weight the right way. The effects this diet had on me were headaches and dizziness due to low blood sugar levels. I am now trying to resolve that issue. Do not copy my diet-exercise because we have different bodies and your body may react differently to what I did. I am not responsible for anything that may happen to you if you follow my diet. I am not a professional. I am simply sharing the diet that worked for me.

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